Session title “Intelligent algorithms in decision modeling” Dear Colleagues,
The present Special Section aims to collect the most recent and notable studies of the theory and application of the intelligent algorithms in decision modelling taking into account the uncertainty in the environment.
This cutting-edge field integrates advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, numerical and optimization methods for large-scale problems into industrial processes, revolutionizing the way industries operate. The growing challenges and complexity of business the environment created difficulties in making management decisions related to the inability to efficiently and effectively predict the business results of economic processes. An environment with a high intensity of changes determining decisions, taken in uncertain situations caused by unpredictability in the behavior of competition, political instability, inflation and demographic collapse, uncertainty at the local, regional and global level. Management faces inaccurate limitations due to inability to sense and detect continuous changes in the influence of environmental factors. Management in the business environment with many instability and unreliability. Managers get into stressful situations, take decisions at risk, with scarce and inaccurate information, even forced by constant changing circumstances to decide even in conditions of absence of information. The idea is to stimulate the development of modern alternatives for optimal and efficient business management in an uncertain business environment.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Intuitionistic fuzzy logic and its extensions in decision-making problems
- Statistical analysis in uncertain environment
- Optimization in uncertain environment
- Computational algorithms for large-scale problems
Thematic Organizers of the section
Chief organizer of the section
Associate Professor Dr. Velichka Traneva, Faculty of natural sciences, Burgas, Bulgaria
Associate Professor V. N. Traneva has Ph.D. in Informatics of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, holds a Master’s degree in Finance and Mathematics and professional qualification Manager at Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria. She is a co-author of numerous publications in area of Mathematics and Informatics taking into account uncertainty in the environment. Her interests are in the field of mathematical modelling, optimization and informatics.
Interests: intuitionistic fuzzy sets; intercriteria analysis; decision making under uncertainty; optimal algorithms; transportation problems.
Оrganizer of the section
Associate Professor Dr. Stoyan Tranev, Faculty of social sciences, Burgas, Bulgaria
Chair of section
Associate Professor S. T. Tranev has Ph.D. in Organization and Management of Production of University “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov”, Bulgaria, holds a Master’s degree in Marketing and Management and professional qualification Mediator in Conflictology to International Academy under Informatization, Institute under conflictology. He is a co-author of numerous publications in Economics. His interests are in the field of management and conflictology.
Interests: conflictology; intuitionistic fuzzy sets; intercriteria analysis; decision making under uncertainty; industrial management; optimal algorithms.
Оrganizer of the section
Associate Professor Dr. Venelin Todorov, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Associate Professor V. L. Todorov has a Ph. D. in Applied Mathematics of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, holds a Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics at Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria. He has been awarded with Grand Prize Pythagoras of Ministry of Education and Science for young scientists up to 35 years old for 2021 and the John Atanassov Award of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria for 2021.
Interests: Monte Carlo for solving multidimensional integrals, integral equations and linear systems; algorithms for solving large-scale problems.
Оrganizer of the section
Associate Professor Dr. Ivan Georgiev, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Associate Professor I. R. Georgiev has a Ph. D. in Applied Mathematics of University of Ruse, holds a Master’s degree in Information and educational technologies at Ruse University, Bulgaria. He is a co-author of numerous publications in area of Mathematical and informatical modelling in logistics and transport; optimization and scheduling theory; predictions in financial mathematics.
Interests: logistics, transportation and manufacturing processes; scheduling theory; modeling and forecasting in financial mathematics; numerical methods for partial and ordinary differential equations.
Оrganizer of the section
Chief Assistant Professor Dr. Slavi Georgiev , Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Chief Assistant Professor S. G. Georgiev has a Ph. D. in Financial Mathematics of University of Ruse, holds a Master’s degree in Financial and Engineering Mathematics at University of Ruse, Bulgaria. He is a co-author of numerous publications in area of Mathematical and informatical modelling in computational finance and real processes.
Interests: , pricing and calibrating financial derivatives; numerical methods for partial and ordinary differential equations with applications in computational finance, mathematical modelling of natural and anthropogenic phenomena as: pollutant transfer in air and water environment; honeybee population dynamics; contagious diseases spread.